Your legs are always swollen for no reason, you may be suffering from this disease.


Friends, have you recently noticed that your legs are always swollen for no apparent reason? Don't ignore this symptom, it may indicate that you are suffering from lower extremity deep vein thrombosis. Don't be afraid, today we will talk about this common health problem, enough to understand the disease, know how to prevent it and have timely treatment.


Lower extremity DVT is like a "silent snake" that attacks your leg health silently. It can take root in your veins without you even realizing it, waiting for the right moment to cause trouble. Let's decipher how this "snake" is formed. Imagine that your blood is like a stream babbling in your veins. When it slows down, it's like the stream is silting up and sediment is settling in. That's when the platelets and clotting factors get busy, like a colony of industrious ants, trying to repair the silted upstream. However, when they try too hard to sweep the sediment out of the blood, they also create a hard "stone", which is a blood clot. Once formed, these "stones" can block the blood flow back to the heart, resulting in swelling of the legs. At this point, you need to be vigilant, because this may be a sign of deep vein thrombosis in the lower extremities.


This disease may not be very common and we are not familiar with it, but the consequences of this disease should not be underestimated. Deep vein thrombosis of the lower extremities is like a "time bomb" buried in our legs, which can lead to serious consequences at any time. The most dreaded "killer" is pulmonary embolism, which can be the deadliest of these "bombs". The main blood vessels of the pulmonary artery are like the main road, gradually branching into tiny capillaries, which are like alleys, distributed in every corner of the lungs.

These alleys play a crucial role as "letter carriers" responsible for exchanging oxygen in the bloodstream. When a blood clot is dislodged from a vein in the lower extremity, it is like a heavy stone falling into the bloodstream. Once a particular vein is blocked, it is like a stone blocking an alleyway and immediately interferes with the exchange of oxygen in the blood. At this point, our body will experience obvious symptoms, such as chest pain, hemoptysis, and difficulty in breathing.


Some tiny dislodged blood clots may have little effect on the blood vessels in the lungs, like a small stone blocking an alley, but do not cause much of an impact. However, if a larger-sized thrombus dislodges, it is like a huge stone blocking the main artery of the lungs, which may lead to the sudden death of the patient. Therefore, we must always be vigilant in detecting and treating lower extremity DVT promptly to prevent this potential "time bomb" from detonating without us realizing it. At the same time, understanding the symptoms of pulmonary embolism and seeking timely medical treatment are also important measures to protect our lives.

So, how can you prevent lower extremity deep vein thrombosis? First of all, you can drink more water. Staying well hydrated helps to thin the blood and reduce the chance of thrombosis. Secondly, try to avoid sitting or standing for a long time, stretch your legs more and walk around to promote blood circulation. Wear comfortable clothes and avoid overly tight pants or socks to give room for blood circulation.
